What a day! We just got home from a coffee shoppe in town that we had visited earlier today when we were posting our blogs. Eric ran over to see if he could get us coffees and came back with a free tea because their espresso maker was down. The owner wanted us all to come back there anyway and his wife made coffee on the stove with cream and served us for free. We talked with him a little bit, his name is Bito, and discovered he knew we were with Jason and Nichole and has much respect for what they do. When we got home this afternoon, he had already called Jason and invited us back tonight for coffee because his machine was up and running. His wife, sister and children were there and made us the nicest cappuccinos. Very uptown. Upon talking with Bito, we discovered that he is changing his philosophies about life essentially because of Jason's life. He says it's what people do not what they say that matters. When he met Jason 4 years ago, he didn't understand why Jason did what he did. He just couldn't comprehend it. Bito is a salesman for the big corporation, Hobart, which among other things, distributes Mexican coffee around the world. Life has been about getting ahead for Bito instead of just surviving. Anyway, Jason has given him food for thought and God is definitely speaking to him. He was VERY honored to have us in his cafe. They fed us and gave us coffees for free. They refused to take money, it would take their blessing away. I took pics of him and his family. They are Catholic but nearing becoming Christians. They have four children including a late in lifer baby named Kate (2). Imagine that!
Before we left town, there was a man that Sed, Joel and Danny knew knocking on the pharmacist's store door which was closed and locked because he was looking for medicine for his wife and daughter who were sick. So, once we got home, Nichole (who never tires) left out again at 9:30 to deliver medicine to his house. Today, Nichole and Jason left about 7:30 a.m. to see the old grandmother and pray for her and then to take a lady of the church to the doctor for tests because she's really sick (We found out today that she's not diabetic which was a thought, it's something circulatory and the doctor is to make a special visit here tomorrow morning. Her blood pressure is 90/40.) After Nichole brought her home, she left again with Mala to pick up Julia and figure out insurance for the hospital. She brought a single sister with 4 children back with her to have her show us some of her handwork to see if we wanted to buy some, which we did to help support her. They will be gifts for people back home. Oh, and when we got home from the coffee shoppe, we found Julia crying and out of bed. Erasmo started sniffing thinner and she was really upset. The men were talking to him as we arrived and we tried to encourage her and get her back off of her feet.
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